Support women

We want to support women by fulfilling their basic needs.


women’s role in mauritius

According to Statistics Mauritius, more women live in poverty than men.[4] As such, they are more vulnerable to health issues related to lack of food and hygiene. In addition, there is still a prevalent gender gap regarding economic participation. This perpetuates not only poverty, but also gender inequality. Mauritius also faces another problem that affects women deeply: there is a lack of information and products relating to menstrual hygiene.[5] Many women and girls have no other choice but to stay at home when they are on their cycles. This makes their ability to get a proper education and to work more difficult. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted persisting challenges that women face: lack of access to sanitation, hygiene products and routine health services.[6]

Our response

By providing food and water, we aim to fulfill every women’s basic needs and enable them to dedicate themselves to other aspects of their lives such as their work, their education but also their leisure activities.  FWH will also distribute menstrual products to enable women to live their lives freely and equally.